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Wednesday 3 February 2010

My name is Antony, I spent £80 on a new pair of trainers and socks

Ok, so two and a bit weeks in and my first entry on the blog...
I'll keep this mercifully short because I'm not as funny as Simon.
It's ok, I can live with this. He has to live with looking like a sausage.
I've run about 48 miles, swum about 4 miles, and up to now, so far so good.
Did that sentence really need three commas?
Sorry, back to the point - the Sunday morning runs have been a little early for my liking but apart from that things seem ok.
On the negative side the furthest we've run has been 8 miles in one go. We need to do more than three times that on the day. Balls.
Or as we say in running circles, balls.


1 comment:

  1. Ah, the old playing yourself down as a straight-man, funny man, tactic. Nice work.
